Kharsa Clinics

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What are my responsibilities as a patient?

We believe in mutual respect in our relationships with patients and team members.

We ask that you: show up to your appointments on time, call 24 hours prior if you need to cancel, and honor financial arrangements


How do I schedule an appointment for an initial exam?

You can reach us by phone during operating hours or you can send a whatsApp message. Another option is email via or by completing the enquiry form on our website.

What if I have a dental emergency?

We recommend that you call us before coming to the clinic. However, we accept emergency visits as walk-ins. There may be a wait time depending on the current schedule and appointment availability.


Do you accept insurance?

We do not have any direct contracts with insurance companies but if your insurance covers dental treatments, we are happy to provide you with the necessary documentation that will help you get reimbursed by the insurance company.

How is payment handled for treatments? Do I pay for everything all at once or in installments?

Payment arrangements depend on the treatment plan and type of contract you have. But we make sure that everything about your treatment is communicated before we start care. Orthodontic services are usually paid through installments. More complex procedures, e.g. periodontal therapy, are paid 50% upfront and 50% upon completion. Small procedures, such as fillings etc. are paid on the same day.


What if I move out of town, can you complete my treatment?

We evaluate this on a case by case basis. We recommend discussing this with your doctor and we will design a solution that helps you continue your care.

Do you accept transfer cases in orthodontics?

As a general policy, Kharsa Clinics does not accept transfer patients. It is typically best for the patient to receive care from one orthodontist (or orthodontic practice) from start to finish. We are happy to be a resource if the patient would like a second opinion.

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