Kharsa Clinics

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Aesthetic Gum Enhancement

Your gums frame the beauty of your smile.

Your gums frame the beauty of your smile.

Gums form a scalloped border around the base of each tooth and help give proportion and balance to your smile. Gingival thickness, height, color, and texture can affect the overall appearance of your teeth. Our periodontists specialize in preserving and enhancing your mouth’s soft tissues.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

Should I be concerned about receding gums?

The gums should cover the root of each tooth, but sometimes gums recede over time. This progression can indicate the underlying bone is deteriorating from gum disease. The tooth may become sensitive and appear longer than usual, which can affect the appearance of your smile, too. You could lose the affected tooth if you lose enough of the bone and firmly attached gum tissue, known as gingiva. Our team will help you determine what’s causing the recession and how it relates to your overall gum health.

What are the causes of gingival recession?

We can’t always determine the cause of gum recession, but some factors aggravate this common problem. Aggressive toothbrushing, especially with firm bristles, slowly erodes the tissue and may even abrade the underlying tooth. Lower front teeth may have thinner, delicate tissue more prone to recession, and smoking, genetics, and teeth grinding may contribute, too. When there’s recession, it’s essential to ensure there isn’t any underlying gum disease causing the bone to dissolve, too.

Why do you do grafting?

Grafting helps replace gingiva that’s receded around the base of teeth. Using precise techniques, we can add tissue to restore the height and thickness of your gums. This process protects your tooth, decreases sensitivity, and helps support a proportional appearance of visible tooth structure.

What can you do about a gummy smile?

We may have solutions for you if you’re concerned about the amount of gum tissue you display when you smile. Sometimes, we can use laser therapy to gently recontour the tissue shape and height around your teeth. You may need minor surgery to reshape the underlying bone and reposition gum levels in other cases. But orthodontics can also help provide the results you’d like to see. Our specialists can evaluate your smile and discuss possibilities with you.

Can you lighten the color of my gums?

We’ve incorporated innovative laser therapy for better gum health and aesthetics. Precise laser therapy can remove dark gingival pigmentation and reveal a lighter pink shade. This efficient procedure can boost your smile, especially with other cosmetic techniques like teeth whitening, bonding, or porcelain veneers.

Most Commonly Asked Questions
Most Commonly Asked Questions

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Tailored Dental Solutions for Every Smile

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