Kharsa Clinics

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TMJ and Facial Pain

Don’t let pain stop you from enjoying the life you deserve.
Don’t let pain stop you from enjoying the life you deserve.

Don’t let pain stop you from enjoying the life you deserve.


Many people deal with occasional headaches, and physicians report them as the most common in-office complaint. Medical providers often overlook the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and facial muscles as a source of head and neck pain, but Kharsa Clinics has expertise in the complexities of this region. We offer answers for pain-free living and peace of mind.

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Most Commonly Asked Questions

How do I know if I have Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) dysfunction?

TMJ dysfunction may present with one or more symptoms, including: - Pain or tightness in your facial muscles - Frequent headaches - Limited mouth opening - Unusual sound in the jaw joint when you open and close your mouth If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, schedule with your dentist for further evaluation. At Kharsa Clinics, we blend advanced diagnostic tools and years of experience to discover the underlying causes of TMJ dysfunction. This approach allows us to design targeted solutions for the best outcomes.

What causes jaw and TMJ pain?

The tongue has a small attachment underneath it that connects it to the floor of the mouth. But this attachment sometimes holds the tongue too firmly and affects speech and eating. If you suspect your child may be tongue-tied, we can help evaluate this condition. Our clinic provides specialty treatment to simply release this attachment and allow the tongue to move more freely.

My child’s upper lip attachment connects between the front teeth. Is this ok?

The labial frenum is a small muscle attachment visible when you lift the upper lip. In most cases, it’s attached about halfway between the gum's edge and the lip's fold. But these fibers may extend between the front teeth and cause a space between them. This frenum can also pull on the gum tissue and lead to recession. Releasing and repositioning this frenum is a relatively simple but precise procedure that our specialists provide.

Should I be concerned about an unusual bump in my child’s mouth?

If you’re concerned about any lumps, bumps, or spots in your child’s mouth, please make an appointment for an evaluation. Most of these areas are within normal limits, but our specialists can diagnose and remove any tissue that needs attention.

Most Commonly Asked Questions
Most Commonly Asked Questions

Our Services

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Team of Doctors

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Dr. Abdulmalik Alyahya
Dr. Abdulmalik Alyahya

Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr. Othman Altuwairgi
Dr. Othman Altuwairgi

Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr. Firas Bukai
Dr. Firas Bukai

Advanced General and Holistic Dentist

Dr. Abeer Alassaf
Dr. Abeer Alassaf

General Dentist and Myofunctional Therapist

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