Kharsa Clinics

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Philosophy of Care

What does holistic dentistry mean at Kharsa Clinics?

doctors image

Dr. Saad Al Kharsa

Founder and Consultant Orthodontist

Tooth Repair Tooth Repair

Tooth Repair

Restore your confidence in your smile.

General Dentistry General Dentistry

General Dentistry

Comprehensive services for a healthy lifestyle.

Aesthetic Dentistry Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic Dentistry

Innovative options for a smile you love to share.

Root Canal Therapy Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy

Save your natural tooth with root canal therapy. Relieve pain and restore function.

Orthodontics Orthodontics


World-class expertise serving patients of all ages.

Cleanings and Checkups Cleanings and Checkups

Cleanings and Checkups

Invest in your health with professional cleanings and checkups.

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