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Teeth Whitening

A brighter smile erases years, lights up a room, and boosts your mood.

A brighter smile erases years, lights up a room, and boosts your mood.

Teeth whitening adds a boost that almost everyone can enjoy if your teeth and gums are healthy. Teeth absorb color from coffee, tea, chocolate, and certain foods and drinks. Professional whitening safely removes discoloration to reveal teeth that look younger and helps you share your smile more.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

Does whitening damage teeth?

Professional whitening systems used under the supervision of a qualified dentist don’t damage teeth. At Kharsa Clinics, we limit product selection to FDA approved brands, and we help patients choose the option that gives them optimal results.

Does teeth whitening hurt?

Professional whitening systems are administered so that you’re comfortable during the whitening process. Some patients may experience mild tooth sensitivity or gum irritation. It’s normal to experience sensitivity that can range from mild to moderate. This is a temporary feeling and subsides in a short period of time. We provide our patients with a special toothpaste that helps reduce that sensitivity.

Does teeth whitening work for everyone?

In general, yes. However, there are certain cases when teeth whitening may not be possible to administer such as for people with severe teeth sensitivity or those born with intrinsic enamel and dentin discoloration and/or malformation. We will direct you to other options that can help you have a whiter smile in these cases.

How long does teeth whitening take?

We offer options for every case and help you choose the best method for long-term results. We use in-office bleaching systems for quick results, and home bleaching systems with custom trays. We recommend combining in office bleaching with home bleaching to have long lasting results. We also provide our patients with extra bleaching materials for maintenance.

How long does the effect of teeth whitening last?

Teeth react differently to bleaching and the duration of bleaching results varies. The outcome depends on your health habits and diet e.g. smoking, and consuming foods and drinks that cause teeth discoloration, oral hygiene habits, and the quality of tooth enamel.

Do crowns and fillings whiten, too?

Whitening is just for teeth, not porcelain materials. So, crowns and fillings remain the same color while the teeth around them whiten. This may look fine if the restorations are lighter than the natural teeth. If you plan to replace old fillings and crowns, you may want to discuss whitening your other teeth before the new restorations. This strategy can boost your entire smile!

Is teeth whitening expensive?

Few healthcare services produce dramatic results for minimal cost, and many patients are amazed at the difference in their smiles with just one whitening session in our clinic. We can help you find a result that works well for you and fits your budget with multiple options available. We don’t start any procedure until you're fully aware of the expected outcome, duration, and cost.

Most Commonly Asked Questions
Most Commonly Asked Questions

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