Kharsa Clinics

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General Dentistry

Your dental home for customized care.
Your dental home for customized care.

Your dental home for customized care.

At Kharsa Clinics, we believe in providing personalized dental care that considers not only your teeth but also your overall health and well-being. Whether you're seeking routine check-ups, tooth repair, or specialized treatments, our team is dedicated to addressing your unique needs with precision and compassion. From preventive measures to complex restorations, we offer a wide range of services to keep your smile healthy and vibrant. With our multi-specialty approach, we coordinate care seamlessly across disciplines to ensure you receive the highest quality service and achieve optimal outcomes. Explore dentistry that prioritizes function, beauty, and comfort with us.

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Our Services

Tailored Dental Solutions for Every Smile

Our Smiles

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Our Doctors

Meet Our
Team of Doctors

See All Team Members

Dr. Firas Bukai
Dr. Firas Bukai

Advanced General and Holistic Dentist

Dr. Nidal Alshakaki
Dr. Nidal Alshakaki

Specialist in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry

Dr. Abeer Alassaf
Dr. Abeer Alassaf

General Dentist and Myofunctional Therapist

Dr. Diana Shaath
Dr. Diana Shaath

General Dentist and Floor Manager

Dr. Rama Alsamman
Dr. Rama Alsamman

General Dentist and Treatment Coordinator

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You’re the reason we’re here, and we look forward to seeing you.

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