Kharsa Clinics

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Strengthening Gingiva with Connected Tissue Graft

Case Summary

The patient sought evaluation for their gum tissues, which showed signs of thinning and recession in the lower front teeth area. To address this and prevent further complications such as sensitivity and tooth decay, a connective tissue graft was performed. Tissue was harvested from the palate and transplanted to the affected area, providing root coverage and increasing the thickness of the gum tissue. This procedure significantly reduced the risk of future problems and enhanced the overall health of the gums.


Services Provided

  1. Periodontics

Treating Doctors

Dr. Saba Ghazal

"I grew up in a family that is heavily involved in the medical field... so the love of helping people was a major factor that influenced me in going into dentistry."

Dr. Saba Ghazal

Consultant Periodontist and Implantologist

Our Smiles

Transforming Smiles, Changing Lives

Before After
Before After
Before After

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