Kharsa Clinics

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Correcting Protrusion and A Gummy Smile

Case Summary

This patient had several concerns, including protrusion and a gummy smile. Additionally, they had an anterior open bite due to a tongue thrust habit and constricted upper and lower arches. However, under the care of the orthdontist a comprehensive treatment plan was devised. This involved the extraction of upper and lower second premolars to address the protrusion and the use of Upper labial mini screws (TADs) to intrude the upper teeth and correct the gummy smile. The maintained the patient's Class I jaw relationship, retracting upper and lower teeth, closing the anterior open bite, and significantly improving the gummy smile, resulting in a beautiful smile arc.


Services Provided

  1. Orthodontics

Treating Doctors

Dr. Farah Almasri

“The smile at the end of the treatment that may change someone’s life is enough to make me happy and thankful for choosing this path; nothing in the world equals the joy of giving.”

Dr. Farah Almasri

Specialist Orthodontist

Our Smiles

Transforming Smiles, Changing Lives

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