Kharsa Clinics

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Restoring Bite Function and Appearance

Case Summary

The patient had trouble biting with their front teeth and was diagnosed with an anterior open bite and crowding. However, the orthodontist successfully addressed these issues without removing any teeth. By using metal brackets along with Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs), the anterior open bite was corrected. This treatment not only improved the appearance of the teeth but also restored their function, allowing the patient to bite properly with their front teeth again.


Services Provided

  1. Orthodontics

Treating Doctors

Dr. Mutaz Qutob

"Orthodontics gives me the opportunity to apply my passions for both art and science, and I treat every patient as if they were a family member."

Dr. Mutaz Qutob

Consultant Orthodontist

Our Smiles

Transforming Smiles, Changing Lives

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