Kharsa Clinics

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Class II Malocclusion and Gummy Smile Case

Case Summary

In this orthognathic case, the patient had concerns about their bite and gummy smile. After diagnosis, it was found that their upper jaw was too narrow and the lower jaw was shifted to one side, causing an increased overbite and a gummy smile. The treatment plan involved a combination of orthodontic treatment and surgery to address these issues. This included expanding the upper jaw, advancing the lower jaw with a chin surgery, and aligning the teeth before and after the surgery. As a result, the patient achieved improved facial and profile balance, eliminated their gummy smile, achieved a proper bite, and corrected their midlines, leading to overall improved oral health and aesthetics.


Service Provided

  1. Orthodontics
  2. Orthognathic Surgery

Treating Doctors

Dr. Farah Almasri

“The smile at the end of the treatment that may change someone’s life is enough to make me happy and thankful for choosing this path; nothing in the world equals the joy of giving.”

Dr. Farah Almasri

Specialist Orthodontist

Our Smiles

Transforming Smiles, Changing Lives

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