Kharsa Clinics

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Misalignment and Deep Overbite

Case Summary

During the first visit, the patient's main concern was her misaligned teeth. The orthodontist found that the upper jaw was narrow. Additionally, the lateral incisors, which are the teeth next to the central incisors in the upper jaw, were labially positioned, meaning they were tilted or angled more towards the lips rather than being aligned properly with the rest of the teeth. Also, there was a deep overbite where the upper teeth covered the lower ones completely. The treatment plan involves several steps to straighten the teeth and correct the bite. First, a primary tooth in the upper right and a primary first premolar remnant in the lower left were removed. Then, a device called a Quadhelix was used to gently expand the upper jaw. After this, full fixed braces were applied to the teeth to straighten and align them properly. Additionally, Class II elastics were utilized to help correct the bite alignment.


Services Provided

  1. Orthodontics

Treating Doctors

Dr. Ghadeer Albabtain

“I enjoy making a positive impact on people’s lives and connecting broadly with so many people in our community. Boosting people’s health and confidence makes orthodontics extremely rewarding.”

Dr. Ghadeer Albabtain

Consultant Orthodontist

Our Smiles

Transforming Smiles, Changing Lives

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