Kharsa Clinics

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Ortho-Restorative Collaboration for Gap Correction

Case Summary

The patient expressed concern about gaps between their teeth, prompting an orthodontic evaluation that revealed no underlying bite issues. To address the gaps without altering the natural tooth structure, the patient was referred to a restorative dentist for veneer application. However, as the patient preferred not to file or prep their teeth before adding the veneers, a brief orthodontic treatment lasting 2-3 months was undertaken to create space. Following the orthodontic treatment, four veneers were applied to the front teeth. The collaborative effort between the restorative dentist and orthodontist successfully closed the gaps, improved the smile arc, and achieved color stability, all while preserving the integrity of the natural teeth.


Services Provided

  1. Aesthetic Dentistry
  2. Orthodontics

Treating Doctors

Dr. Nidal Shakaki

“I’m passionate about dentistry, and I translate that passion into art and beauty to impact people’s lives with exceptional dentistry.”

Dr. Nidal Shakaki

Specialist in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry

Dr. Farah Almasri

“The smile at the end of the treatment that may change someone’s life is enough to make me happy and thankful for choosing this path; nothing in the world equals the joy of giving.”

Dr. Farah Almasri

Specialist Orthodontist

Our Smiles

Transforming Smiles, Changing Lives

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